Coding Menghitung Denda Dengan Php

  • Tutorial Database Peminjaman Buku ~ [by Ahira Myugi]

    Untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Database dengan Access itu sangat mudah, dibandingkan dengan Pemograman liannya seperti Visual Basic. Microsoft ...
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  • Menghitung Cosf of Care dan Membandingkan dengan Tarif Kapitasi atau INA CBG - dr. Hanevi Djasri

    Forum Mutu IHQN ke XII Manado, 21-22 September 2016 link terkait:
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  • pengembalian buku perpustakaan dengan slims

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  • Computational Linguistics, by Lucas Freitas

    As computers become more and more present in our lives, making our interactions with them more intuitive and natural is essential. Computational linguistics ...
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  • Week 8, continued

    This lecture, David takes us further into the world of PHP and attempts to right a lecture demo fail from 2011 with little success.
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  • Programming - Computer Science for Business Leaders 2016

    conditions, functions, loops, variables; searching, sorting; arrays, hash tables, linked lists, trees.
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  • Week 1

    Linux. C. Compiling. Libraries. Types. Standard output.
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  • Section 9

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  • Computational Thinking - Computer Science for Business Leaders 2016

    abstraction, algorithms, representation.
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  • Review: Quiz 1

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  • JavaScript for Web Apps, by Tomas Reimers and Mike Rizzo

    Learn about APIs and libraries available in Javascript that are useful when writing web applications.
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  • Week 4

    David talks about the 'Shellshock' computer bug and continues discussion on merge sort -- demonstrating recursion and stacks.
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  • Web Security: Active Defense, by Luciano Arango

    Is my new website, or web application secure? How do I make sure it's secure or test if its not? In this seminar we'll put up a website that's not yet, ahem, ready, ...
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  • Week 7, continued

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  • Week 10

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  • Week 8

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