Menghitung Spss

  • Video Tutorial Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas SPSS Lengkap

    Panduan melakukan Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas dengan Program SPSS Lengkap Jelas. *Tonton edisi UPDATE, lebih jelas dan detail! *Uji Validitas: ...
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  • Cara Mudah Uji Validitas Menggunakan SPSS - Full Tutorial

    Setelah Input data & Uji Reliabilitas sekarang kita menuju uji selanjutnya yaitu uji validitas, Suatu data dikatakan VALID apabila R Hitung lebih besar daripada ...
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  • Uji t dan Uji F dalam Analisis Regresi Berganda dengan SPSS Lengkap

    Cara Uji t pasial dan Uji F simultan dalam Analisis Regresi linear Berganda atau multiples dengan Program SPSS Lengkap. Untuk latihan Praktik Uji t dan Uji F ...
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  • Cara input data dari kuisioner atau angket ke dalam SPSS

    Cara input data dari kuisioner atau angket ke dalam SPSS mudah dengan melihat tutorial ini. Masukkan data angket step by step dengan contoh kuesioner.
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  • Cara Mengolah data di SPSS

    Tugas Praktikum Pengantar Ilmu Komputer Universtias Hassanuddin Nama " Hilmi AByan" Nim " H12115513" Kelompok Mouse Mohon Di like yah teman2 ...
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  • Menghitung Mean, Median, Modus data kelompok menggunakan SPSS

    Universitas Ahmad Dahlan ( UAD ) Teknik Informatika Menghitung Mean, Median, dan Modus Data Dikelompokan Disusun oleh : 1. Guswan Arif Dewantara ...
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  • Cronbach's Alpha - SPSS (part 1)

    Conduct and interpret an internal consistency reliability analysis through Cronbach's alpha, the corrected item-total correlations and the inter-item correlation ...
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  • SPSS Video #10 - Obtaining Odds Ratio & Relative Risk In SPSS

    This video demonstrates how to calculate odds ratio and relative risk values using the statistical software program SPSS. SPSS can be used to determine odds ...
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  • Converting Variables into T Scores in SPSS

    This video demonstrates how to convert variables into T scores in SPSS. Variables are converted into Z scores with the ?Descriptives? function and then into T ...
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  • Kaplan-Meier Procedure (Survival Analysis) in SPSS

    This video demonstrates how to perform a Kaplan-Meier procedure (survival analysis) in SPSS. The Kaplan-Meier estimates the probability of an event occurring ...
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  • Determining Inter-Rater Reliability with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient in SPSS

    This video demonstrates how to determine inter-rater reliability with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) in SPSS. Interpretation of the ICC as an estimate of ...
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  • How to Calculate and Interpret R Square in SPSS; Regression; Correlation

    In this video we take a look at how to calculate and interpret R square in SPSS. R square indicates the amount of variance in the dependent variable that is ...
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  • Earnings Management | Modified Jones Model Using SPSS

    Full Video: How to use SPSS to estimate abnormal accruals based on the modified Jones model? (beginner) This is a preview.
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  • SPSS Confidence interval

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  • Tutorial Cara Menghitung Z Score | Standarisasi Data di SPSS

    Tutorial Cara Menghitung Z Score | Standarisasi Data di SPSS Mencari Z-Skor dengan SPSS sebenarnya sangat mudah. Hal itu disebabkan fitur dari SPSS ...
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  • Tutorial Cara Mudah Menghitung Nilai Rata-Rata, Median, dll Menggunakan SPSS 17

    SPSS 17 Statistics Jangan lupa subscribe, trima kasih :)
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  • Kappa - SPSS (part 1)

    I demonstrate how to perform and interpret a Kappa analysis (a.k.a., Cohen's Kappa) in SPSS. I also demonstrate the usefulness of Kappa in contrast to the more ...
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  • Conducting a Kuder-Richardson 20 Test (KR-20) in SPSS

    This video demonstrates how to perform a Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) test of internal consistency in SPSS. The KR-20 is used to evaluate internal consistency ...
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  • Tutorial Distribusi presentase SPSS

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  • Tutorial pengenalan SPSS u/ Pemula - Dr. Widarto Rachbini, Magister Manajemen Universitas Pancasila

    Tutorial SPSS bahasa Indonesia, oleh, HP: 087784673150 email:, penyedia jasa olah data dan pelatihan ...
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